Board of Directors & Officers
Title | Name |
President | Mary Steele |
Vice President | Vicki Miller |
Secretary | Lance Hibben |
Treasurer | Shirley Brown |
Board Member and Newsletter Editor | Scott Reid |
Board Member, Watchmail Host, RCONA Rep | Jim Kidd |
Board Member | Melinda Shrader |
Board Member | Mary Hoff-Ernst |
Board Member | Donald Struckman |
Facebook Administrator and Auditor | Geoff Kragen |
Web Administrator | David Allen |
Election & Appointment Information
Half the Board positions will be up for election in October of any even-numbered year, and the other half will be up for election in October of the odd-numbered years.
The positions of Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Facebook Administrator, RCONA Representative and Alternate RCONA Representative are ones appointed by the Board. A Board member may serve an elected term, ending when indicated in the right column above, and have an appointed position which does not have a term end except as determined by the Board.